Scheme Contents – Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme

During the summer holidays, participants will take part in a series of comprehensive training sessions, covering service skills, team collaboration, and more. Emphasis will be placed on showing participants the hidden gems of Hong Kong, helping them discover different parts of the city. Through interactive modes of training, the Scheme endeavours to inculcate in Young Ambassadors a commitment to serve and a sense of mission to promote hospitality of Hong Kong.

Upon completion of their training, participants will be appointed as Young Ambassadors and engage in a wide range of voluntary services throughout the 2024/25 academic year. Local Young Ambassadors will be stationed at popular tourist spots and greet visitors at mega tourism events. They will also organise activities in the community, encouraging visitors and locals to explore the city’s unique characteristics. Those Young Ambassadors who study outside Hong Kong will have the opportunity to organise activities to promote Hong Kong and Chinese culture at their schools and colleges.

Over the past few years, the Young Ambassadors have been able to assist visitors at the Hong Kong Tourism Board Visitor Centres as well as at the Ocean Park Hong Kong. They have also served in mega events, covering festive celebrations, traditional culture, arts, sports, outdoor activities including the 2024 Tissot UCI Track Nations Cup (Hong Kong, China), the Cheung Chau Bun Festival and the Cathay International Chinese New Year Night Parade. Last year, some Young Ambassadors even flew to Hangzhou and Shanghai to volunteer at the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou and the 6th China International Import Expo, showcasing the hospitable image of Hong Kong to the world.