Reflections of Young Ambassadors – Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme

Reflections of Young Ambassadors

Precious Experiences, Unforgettable Memories

It still feels surreal that I have been a Hong Kong Young Ambassador for four years. The precious memories linger in my mind, and the accumulated experiences helped me discover my potential and strengths. Among all the services, the one that left the deepest impression on me was leading athletes to the doping control station at the “2024 Tissot UCI Track Nations Cup (Hong Kong, China)”. Volunteers in this position needed to be proficient in Cantonese, English and Mandarin in order to effectively communicate with the doping control officers and athletes from around the world. Fortunately, I was well-trained in using these three languages to communicate with visitors through rendering stationing service at the Hong Kong Tourism Board Visitor Centres. As a first-time participant in this role, I felt a little bit nervous. I had to be careful with my words to avoid upsetting the athletes’ emotions, while also ensuring that they were in my sight at all times. At one point, a coach jokingly said to me, “You can’t take this athlete away,” an unexpected remark that made me smile.

Tam Yan Kwai

Surpassing Limits, Achieving Excellence

During my third year as a Hong Kong Young Ambassador, I chose to push myself further by taking on the role of Coordinator. Being a reserved introvert who typically requires time to open up, it was quite a challenge for me to swiftly get to know my team members and, even more so, to lead them in organising the “My Best Picks” Guided Tour. Fortunately, through training sessions and volunteering experiences, I managed to establish strong connections with my team members. Together, we brainstormed, developed a detailed English proposal spanning over a hundred pages, and overcame challenges. Our efforts were recognised with the Outstanding Project Award, allowing us to host a guided tour for university exchange students, offering them an immersive experience in Hong Kong culture. To ensure flawless execution, I meticulously refined details for numerous times, striving for thoroughness in every aspect. Although the journey was fraught with challenges, the magnitude of which is difficult to express, yet the sense of accomplishment made it all worthwhile. We showcased the most captivating and dynamic aspects of Hong Kong, ensuring participants departed with enduring memories. Throughout the preparation process, I gained invaluable insights, learning how to craft more engaging guided tours and how to ignite curiosity among our audience. Furthermore, my appreciation for the history, culture, and art of Hong Kong deepened, uncovering hidden gems such as the tranquil oasis nestled in the heart of the city – Pak Tsz Lane Park, revealing its profound significance. I take immense pride in pushing boundaries and surpassing limits.

Chiu Mei Ki

Becoming Wiser and Happier through Service

As a young person born and raised in Hong Kong, my city is beautiful and prosperous, and The Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme provided me with valuable opportunities to promote its captivating aspects to visitors and locals. One of the most memorable experiences I had was at Ocean Park Hong Kong. I had the privilege of becoming a “Whiskers Villager”, sharing information about animals and conservation knowledge in the animal exhibition halls within the park. In the “Sloth and Friends Studio” animal exhibit, not only did I introduce the characteristics and interesting living habits of sloths, but also improved my tour guiding, intonation, pace of speech, body language and presentation with five senses in order to create a richer, more personalised experience. The beaming faces and excitement of the visitors were the driving force to keep me injecting positive energy as an Ambassador.

Cheung Tsun Hei

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity

The Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme has all along cooperated with different tourist attractions and organisations to provide numerous opportunities for ambassadors to serve tourists and locals, gain first-hand experience, acquire knowledge and skills, and prepare for the future. To me, the most unforgettable experience was participating in the “Hong Kong Neighbourhoods” campaign, in which I played the role of a tour guide and introduced the historical scenic spots and long-established stores in the West Kowloon neighbourhood to local and ethnic minority students. Through introducing traditional crafts to tourists and as a result, bringing up the atmosphere of immersing into local cultures, I practised my communication and presentation skills. Hong Kong’s tourism industry is currently facing various challenges, so I invite you to join us as a Young Ambassador and spread your positivity in this pandemic!

Li Cheuk Lam

Every Year Comes as a New Challenge

In our prime years, who hasn’t dreamt of exploring far and wide? I have been dreaming about it for a long time, and this dream has brought me on board for the Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme. My first impression was perhaps close to your guess – fun and truly eye-opening. Stationing at the visitor centre at the airport came first on my bucket list, and I am glad to say the Scheme offered me a window of opportunity to interact with travellers from around the globe. What’s more, I never get bored because I could always contribute to society in an exciting way. Not to mention that I have taken up a new challenge to be a coordinator of the newly-recruited members, which sharpened my leadership skills and helped to connect me with the large Young Ambassador family. Will you partake in this fruitful and meaningful programme that sharpens your competitive edge?

Chan Sze Ying

Little Things Make Big Things Happen

I was a greeter to the contestants at the “UCI Track Cycling World Cup”. One of my duties was to ensure the main door was closed during the competition. The task seemed to be trivial in the beginning but later I discovered that the closing door would reduce the influence of airflow on contestants’ performance, and my duty was meaningful indeed.  It was such a memorable occasion for me to witness Sarah Lee, one of Hong Kong’s best cyclist, winning the championship. It was such an honour to participate in the Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme. Not only did it allow me to step out of my comfort zone and lead me to become more outgoing, but it also enhanced my sense of commitment and mission towards the community.

Chong Sin Yiu

Connecting People with a Smile!

Being a member of the Hong Kong Young Ambassador Scheme for the past two years, I was fortunate enough to participate in different tourism promotional events and stationing services. These unique experiences not only broadened my horizons, but also allowed me to get to know more about Hong Kong – a city in which I live and treasure. I have participated in various festive events, including being a sign holder at the International Chinese New Year Night Parade which brought wonderful festive experience to tourists through music and dance. What inspired me the most was that I have learned how to communicate better, just with a simple smile or a warm “hello” – the perfect ice breaker! Don’t hesitate and start smiling today!

Chung Wing Yiu