During the summer holidays, participants will take part in a series of comprehensive training sessions, covering service skills, team collaboration, and more. Emphasis will be placed on showing participants the hidden gems of Hong Kong, helping them discover different parts of the city. Through interactive modes of training, the Scheme endeavours to inculcate in Young Ambassadors a commitment to serve and a sense of mission to promote hospitality of Hong Kong. Participants must attain an attendance of 70% or above in order to be appointed as Hong Kong Young Ambassadors.
- Sharing by professionals on topics related to Hong Kong’s tourism development.
- Visits to organisations and attractions that promote Hong Kong’s history and heritage, leisure, culture and art, intangible cultural heritage experiences, filming locations, night time adventure as well as green and marine tourism.
- A series of service skills workshops led by professional trainers, covering topics such as team-building, customer service excellence, tourist reception, creative tour design, storytelling and communication skills.
- Sharing of experiences by Young Ambassadors of previous years, acting as “mentors” to the newly-recruited Young Ambassadors.
The Young Ambassadors will receive advanced trainings, such as visits and exchange tours to the Mainland to deepen their understanding of Hong Kong, the country and the world, upgrade their skills and prepare themselves to serve visitors with confidence and competence.